Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Writing a Post

So now that you've written your post, you need to upload it. Go back to blogger and click on the blog post name. (DO NOT CLICK ON NEW BLOG. This will create a whole new blog, not a blog post within the blog). Now you are at the menu for the Blog Post. On the side is a menu with a number of actions you can take. Click on the "New Post" botton.

Now a screen will come up which will look a bit like an email template. This is what you will use to create your Blog Post. You can type directly into the template or cut and paste paragraphs from Word.

1. Fill in the top section: Post: Post title. It is important to have a title that is fairly short, but unique to your blog (i.e. Welcome to the Blog for over 50's). If the title is too long it will get cut off when searching; if too short readers won't know what the post is about.

2. In the box below the "compose" button, just start typing or cut and paste your post.

Don't indent; it may not show up on the blog post.
Do "enter" at the end of a paragraph and make sure there is a blank line between paragraphs
Don't put a title at the top of this section since you will have one from the title you typed in in the first section.

3. Once you have completed typing your post, go to the top of the page and click on "publish". "Save" will only save it so you can read and/or edit it later, it won't make it publish. After you have "published", the screen will change. When given the option, "view post" or "view blog" to see what it looks like to anyone accessing the web. I usually proof read at this time since I miss mistakes when it is in the "edit" or "type" mode.

4. If you find a mistake and want to edit, you can click on "new post" on your website, then click on "edit post" or you can go back to google, click on blogger, then click on the title of your blog, then click on "posts" on the side menu. Now a list of all the posts you have created will come up. Next click on "edit post" below the post title. If you click on "view post" you won't be able to change anything on your blog post.

Congratulations! You have just created your first post.

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